A new 'Beginners' section in the forum?

Have some suggestions to improve the site? Let's discuss it here....Might do some tests here as well
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A new 'Beginners' section in the forum?

Post by chrisyeo »

Hi all,

I want to suggest a new 'Beginners' section for the forum. The reason for this is as follows:

1. Astronomy newbies tend to be afraid to ask 'silly' questions. A dedicated section will allow questions to be asked by beginners and be answered and discussed by fellow beginners without the fear of sounding silly.

2. The section will be a starting point for newcomers. Articles and links can be cosolidated in this section so that it becomes a sort of FAQ for beginners. As questions and threads are discussed, a collection of beginners material will grow into a helpful resource. (Of course, relevant guidelines will have to be implemented to make it as useful and accessible as possible. )

I hope new users of this forum will feedback here to the administrators their views for consideration.

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Post by Airconvent »

Hi Chris,
There is already an FAQ corner for newbies to read up on the subject.
If you or anyone have any more gems, you can post it there.
Also, we also have a links page where you can add useful links that you have come across as well.
But do note that the coding for the links page is not very Netscape friendly, so netscape users will have to switch to IE to access there.
Hopefully Novafusion/Vin Snr will be able to clean up the code for netscape...

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