Magnetic north vs true north in Singapore

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Magnetic north vs true north in Singapore

Post by AstroNewbie »

Hi guys,
I'm new to this hobby and is currently reading up on how to polar align an equatorial mount. I have come across some content that mention using a compass's magnetic north is good enough for viewing but we will need true north for astrophotography. After some research, I realized Singapore's magnetic declination is not very huge. Does that mean I am able to just use the magnetic north to polar align?

For context, I am currently only using a 70-300mm lens and dslr. Still researching before going for a equatorial mount.

Thanks in advance for all the responses!
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Re: Magnetic north vs true north in Singapore

Post by bernardchew »

You can also use the asiair controller all-star align feature to help with polar align where pole star is not visible.

If you just need approximate polar align for visual observation, you can use a digital level to set the mount to the correct latitude, and your phone’s compass to set the mount to true north. Not sure about android phones, but the iphone compass allows correction to true north.
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