Solutions for a Sigma K-Mount Camera Mirror Lens

Wanna make a scope? Or better still, grind a mirror yourself. Or, you have some good tips in making a really useful accessory? This is the place to show what your hands can do...
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Solutions for a Sigma K-Mount Camera Mirror Lens

Post by Airconvent »

Hi DIYers
I currently have a Sigma f/8 600mm mirror lens for Pentax K-mount cameras.
Was wondering if its possible to convert it into a small grab-and-go astronomy scope and if yes, what is the solution and cost?
Example, is there a k-mount to 1.25" eyepiece adaptor and will the EP able to focus
It's quite heavy for its size though.

Info for the lens can be found here.

Thanks again.
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Re: Solutions for a Sigma K-Mount Camera Mirror Lens

Post by akdwivedi »

interesting.. is it a sct design or mak.. I have a old 750mm f/6 with proper sct threads at the back. works very well for visual. I havent tried photography with it. I also had another 500mm mirror lens which has simple 42mm threads at the back and a canon m42 adapter screwed. is it possible to remove the K yes, then possibility opens up to find a visual back.
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