PHD2 calibration run failed

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PHD2 calibration run failed

Post by cytan299 »

Hi everyone,
Hopefully, there's nothing wrong with my mount. But I'm wondering, do people calibrate PHD2 at the intersection of the meridian and celestial equator here? I tried it last night, the calibration failed because the star did not move very much during RA calibration (I think). Is this because the intersection of the meridian and equator are close to the zenith here in Singapore? If yes, then how do people calibrate PHD2 here?

Thanks for any info.

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Re: PHD2 calibration run failed

Post by rcj »

Hi cytan,

Before calibration is done, hope you have tried to do drift alignment first. We cannot point to Polaris here, being near the equator, so we will use the Drift Align tool in PHD2 to help us (PHD2 > Tools > Drift Align). Assuming this is not done, please go through the following DA steps in PHD2 after trying your best to align your mount to the north using a compass:

1) Ensure your guidescope is properly focused with RA/DEC aligned to X/Y.
2) Using the DA tool, try to directly slew to a star around Meridian Offset: -1 to -5 deg, and Declination to 18-20 deg, during Azimuth Adjustment.
3) Temporarily then close the DA tool and calibrate first (ensure calibration data is reset, in the "Brain" advacned settings, under the Guiding tab).
4) Commence DA via azimuth adjustments, and ensure the drift star is around the Meridian Offset as close to meridian as possible.
5) Perform Drift and Adjust until the DEC "red" line is near horizontal. Tighten up the azimuth levers on your mount. Do watch out for the size of the purple circle, as it should shrink in size as the processes continues. Move the star within the purple circle at distances propertional to magnitude of your prevailing drift error.
6) Likewise, do DA via altitude adjustment on a low elevation star at the west or east horizon. This can be done by directly slewing in the DA tool, like during the azimuth adjustment above.
7) You may need to continue azimuth and elevation adjustments until your polar alignment error is less than 1-arc minute, or depending on your imaging accuracy/needs.

Try to also check your advanced settings under Algorithms - such as having Predictive PEC enabled on RA axis, etc. For your mount, there could be suggested parameters in this section that you should follow (search internet for this).

Once the above done, try to slew to any star and activate the calibration via the Guide button.

Alternatively, after doing DA, you could employ the Calibration Assistant route. It will help you to avoid operational problems that could interfere with the calibration process.

Go well.
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Re: PHD2 calibration run failed

Post by cytan299 »

Hi rcj,
Thanks for the info. I just wanted to be sure that people can do PHD2 calibration at the usual place where the meridian intersects with the celestial equator here. Unfortunately, I just don't have experience doing any of this in Singapore.

I'm just waiting for a clear night to try again.


P.S. You have really nice equipment on your webpage: I think you have an Officina Stellare on a SB mount in your equipment photos. I really hope some of those photos were taken in Singapore.
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Re: PHD2 calibration run failed

Post by cytan299 »

Hi everyone,
Here's the update: Success!

The problem was that my PA was way, way off the last time. So PHD2 wasn't able to do a calib.

For my PA last night, I was able to a daytime PA and then using PEMPro do a drift align last night. And everything worked well. PHD2 guiding assistant said that my PA error was about 1 arcmin, so I didn't need to do a pointing model or a dec arc model. PHD2 calib worked too (that's the success part). So with that part successful, I did some narrow band imaging last night but only got about 2.5 hours of data. Image is not very good at all! But that's the 2nd try. If the weather cooperates tonight, might try again.

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