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Post by superiorstream »

Thanks again and its a nice experence to chit-chat with you during our previous metup.I will be submitting those band etc photos to spaceweather and so do lookout for it--with comment.You know Clifford,I do found a one to one correspondence of the mentioned event and at least we can enjoy the photos.Remember, between now to at least June/July 2013 the sun will be v.active(of course with it normal dip in activities inbetween minicycles) and so do enjoy it.Thanks.
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Post by kingkong »

i would be happy if proven wrong by the next einstein. i'll beg for forgiveness. i'll parade in the street with a sign around my neck that says "i was wrong. i'm sorry". i will.

"thinking outside the box" is likely only useful if you already know the arts /sciences of solving a problem. research have been done on this subject. for e.g. http://lateralaction.com/articles/think ... e-the-box/
"the research evidence suggests that thinking outside the box fails to produce the expected creative solution. And far from being a hindrance, past experience and training can actually be the key to creative problem-solving."

in other words, if einstein didn't "think outside the box", he might not have discovered relativity, but if he didn't know his physics and his maths, he definitely would not have came up with the theories. so, my humble suggestion is not to get the priorities wrong.
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Post by Clifford60 »

Haha, how much do you know what he know for you to comment about wrong priority. His contribution, be it a voodoo or eventually something useful, none of us will lose anything but gain something. See thing with an open heart, if you don't like it, so be it, just ignore it.

When Einstein came out those theories, many scientists think he was nut and tried to proof him wrong, only to proof him right. Even today, there are many schools of thought, not all scientists will agree with a particular issue. So, if you find an article saying something is not right, there is another school will think that it is perfectly OK, so be open minded to hear the ideas for all the schools. If not, as mentioned, just ignore it, you wouldn't lose a limb either way.

By the way, have you ever heard about a medical research report saying that smoking is good for health? Do you know that many American are saying 911 was an inside job? Crazy isn't it.
Last edited by Clifford60 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by stargazer »

Wow..I didnt know there are so many Einstein fans in this forum [smilie=angel.gif]

But jokes aside, I do personally salute Mr. Chia for sharing his obseravtion findings or even theories. Like what many said before me, there is no right or wrong. An seemingly not so useful data may lead to new insights or other findings. Who knows for sure?

Read somewhere last time many findings in Astronomy are actually attributed to amateurs. E.g. Comet Levy from David Levy and Pluto from Clyde Tombaugh.

2 cents only... :mryellow:
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Post by orly_andico »


there is a right and wrong in most things (except morality).
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Post by bharat »

May I suggest that the moderator take this thread off the forum, (or disable adding any further replies)? The originator and various members have presented their sides and any further posts are unlikely to add value to the discussion which has any way gone haywire. Moreover, I don't think this thread presents a good picture to possible new members casually browsing the site and mulling over whether or not to register.
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Post by shirox »

croys wrote:Geez, the level of credulity, tired canards, knee-jerk reactions and scientific illiteracy in this thread is probably making more people wish to "quit"...
I totally agree with you Stuart. Someone just cannot resist to reply hostile messages.
Astronomy is supposed to be a free and friendly hobby. Why stir sh*t and make everyone unhappy.
Even if deleting this thread it doesn't solve the problem. It will still linger around and eventually this forum will be another deserted place.

If you are not happy about a certain post or comment by an individual, why not try PM that person directly. If YOU can direct your views on the forum, i dun see why Chia is not allowed to express what he feels or thinks in his own thread.

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Post by kingkong »

i strongly disagree with bharat's sentiment. this is an astronomy forum where scientific facts and the scientific method are valued. of course i'm not the admin/mod and i might be wrong, in that singastro is more an astronomy tourism forum where the theme is: been there, done that, photographed that. who cares about the science. and yes - a local astronomy market place - a very important function indeed, i must agree.

if this is a forum which values its place in advancing scientific education, then fallacies and unscientific propositions must be challenged. it might be true that is really no such thing as absolute or permanent truth in science, but there can be not much doubt when something said is considered scientifically correct or not.

the concept of science is not well understood by the general public. i would be more inclined to let things slide in other forums, but not in one where science should be its foundation (again, i could be wrong about that assumption) and i assume most people who are interested in [taking up] astronomy, especially younger individuals, are also interested in science in general. more so than simply looking for a forum of political correctness and so-called "harmony".

in education, esp in science, debates are valuable. i strongly believe it serve no one's interest to stop all debates.

lastly, i must clarify that i've nothing personal against my supposed nemesis. i've had a glance on his blog and was impressed at the fantastic photos of the sun. i too am convinced that amateur astronomers have and will continue to contribute to our shared quest. and i admire his passion that apparently lasted for 30 years. all this not withstanding, i standby my expressed view that what said about solar activities-local weather patterns is not sound, it is pseudoscience at best. i don't know if there is a nicer/better way to say it. if there is, then i accept that i'm found wanting in communication skill.

this might be adding fuel to fire. my 1st response to the damned thread was only half directed at the thread starter. i was also frustrated that such obvious credulity (thanks to the englishman for i learned a new word) can go on in this forum without being challenged. it might reflect a disappointing level of science illiteracy, or, as i'm tempted to believe, a reflection of a level of compliance that is conditioned from young in sg. [smilie=running.gif]
Last edited by kingkong on Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kingkong »

shirox wrote:
croys wrote:Geez, the level of credulity, tired canards, knee-jerk reactions and scientific illiteracy in this thread is probably making more people wish to "quit"...
I totally agree with you Stuart. Someone just cannot resist to reply hostile messages.
Astronomy is supposed to be a free and friendly hobby. Why stir sh*t and make everyone unhappy.
Even if deleting this thread it doesn't solve the problem. It will still linger around and eventually this forum will be another deserted place.

If you are not happy about a certain post or comment by an individual, why not try PM that person directly. If YOU can direct your views on the forum, i dun see why Chia is not allowed to express what he feels or thinks in his own thread.

oh, croys' volleys was directed at me.... my bad. my bad. my skin is probably so thick that i didn't even notice.... [smilie=blocked.gif]
Last edited by kingkong on Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Clifford60 »

Agreed, as long as it is a healthy discussion even it is critical, it is fine. So, everyone can express their point of view. However, if one become personal or getting personal then the mod or admin has to come in.

By the way, this thread is NON Astro, kopi-kopi talk. This is something good about this forum, allows kopi-talk. So, take it easy, guys!