First scope for a newbie. Is this a good start?

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Re: First scope for a newbie. Is this a good start?

Post by Hardwarezone »

Skip the powerseeker and other eyepiece and accesory kits.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat May 31, 2014 11:34 pm
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Re: First scope for a newbie. Is this a good start?

Post by Jeannie »

hi guys:
I am really new and I do not have a telescope, do you have any recommendation for the power seeker AZ, should I get the 76AZ or a more higher number one?
I saw the celestron first scope and it also looks good, if I want something that do not need to maintain, should I get the power seeker?
The first scope have 2 eyepiece and I saw it give till 40X, what can I see using the first scope? I saw some feedback and it says need to get eyepieces to see so I was not so keen.
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