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Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:01 pm
by andeelym
Maybe we can make a flag and lay it down on the ground and 1 on a flagpole with the message "I am only stargazing, not interested in you".

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:50 pm
by timatworksg
I started with the Multi Storey Car Park roof as well. Have been seen by some from their home window but no problems during those days. Some have asked and I gladly showed them my scope and explained what I was doing.

Yes the biggest problem would be the misconception that the Astronomer is looking through someones window. If you are greeted by the Police or can nicely explain what you are doing and show them that the scope is obviously pointed somewhere else and not through a window. Also when setting up and relaxing with the scope at also helps if we don't use that relaxing time by checking out windows.
If a resident has been observing you and you keep turning your head up to a block of flats...the assumption would be your there for the sole reason to spy. the lack of interest in a home and look to the sky more. Less Assumption less complaints.
It can't get banned as if they do, then cameras and loitering around any HDB flat with open windows should be banned as well. Heck....most newer flats have your kitchen window facing another an arms length away!!

So if nice even if the other is not. Explain what your up to and educate the uneducated. It will pave the way towards more awareness which this worlds lack in alot!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:33 pm
by kensou
yupyup i think so too.. if you are naked at home and ppl looked at u, instead of them invadin ur privacy u are invading their privacy lol

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:50 pm
by Gary
Visited by 5 (personal record so far :)) patrolling police officers last Friday while observing alone at toa payoh sky garden. As usual, nothing to panic about. We treated one another with respect and the benefit of the doubt. I showed one of the officer Saturn and he was impressed. We also chatted for a short while about where is the best place for stargazing and the cost of my equipment. None of them asked me about my name, to show them my nric, where I stay, ...etc.

@kensou: IMHO, not a good idea to challenge a police officer about your rights to use the carpark for stargazing regardless of who has the right to do so. Explain and show them what you are doing politely and with respect. If they still insist you have to leave, just leave. In addition to privacy, they may have personal safety concerns also in case there is an accident involving a car trying to park with a stargazer there and they happen to be responsible for patrolling that area. It may be a just an inconvenience for a stargazer but it may cost a police officer his job or promotion.

After all, astronomical equipment and stargazing awareness in Singapore is not very high let alone stargazing at a carpark. One of the police officer I met last friday was shining a torchlight back and forth several times at my SCT which I assume he was trying to figure out if it is really a telescope. So you have to see it from the police's perspective also. Thus, one of the solution is to do regular sidewalk around your area to raise awareness. Police officers around your area when off duty and not in their uniform may look through your scope during one of your sidewalk sessions and the rapport can be established in that way.

As an example for the awareness issue, the open space area outside Toa Payoh Library where we do our sidewalk is directly facing the police post on the other side of the road. There are a few security cameras pointing towards this observation area. Singastro veterans have been doing sidewalks there way before I started mine. So my *guess* is that because of those sidewalks, the police must have seen such events at least via these security cameras - i.e. the stargazing awareness was built up over time. Thus, when I started doing my sidewalks there last year till now, not once had I been approached by the police be it via regular patrol or privacy complaints from nearby HDB residents.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 9:45 pm
by acc
Yes no need to be paranoid... so far the policemen that have bothered to stop by during my ob sessions have never asked for my ID or stop the ob session, and they were invariably polite and friendly.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:20 pm
by timatworksg
Yes don't fear the police or any authority. As Gary mentioned...they have a job to do and mostly for the safety of the user (which is us). They won't ask for any ID or threaten you...sometimes they are just curious as you don't get many Telescopes standing around!

When I Ob from my Balcony pier I get stares from below as when did anyone see a Telescope stick out from a balcony like that. So far their my neighbors and a quick chat solves the curiosity. Most look and then realise it's a telescope and look towards the sky wondering what the HELL I can see through those!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:32 am
by cloud_cover
I've had a few passer bys come by and ask to see things but usually never in a hostile manner.
I've learnt that bright stars are unimpressive but Saturn is always a crowd pleaser.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:47 am
by sTiCkY
the police took down my particulars once.. u can ask mooey what happened.. LOL!