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Beginner Question!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:42 pm
by Appleboy
Hey everyone!

I am wondering what beginner's telescope or binoculars do you guys recommend me to get if I am going to start learning the night sky soon? =)

Need price/model/place to buy!

Thanks alot!

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:55 pm
by Avarielle
Hi there!

Am a beginner myself.

I'm currently using a Celestron Astromaster 70EQ. Its a great scope, at least for me. Am enjoying it very much. I got it from Astro Scientific at the Science Centre earlier this year.

Just a couple of things to think about before you get your first telescope or binoculars.
1) What is your budget?
2) Where is your observing site? Near home? Far away? How will you transport your telescope/binoculars around?
3) What kind of things are you hoping to observe?

A good thing would be to go to a observing session and talk to others. They will be better able to assist you.

A great software to download is Stellarium. It tells you what's in the sky.

Also, if you have an iPhone/iPad, there are a number of apps you can download. There's StarWalk, Stellarium, Distant Suns 3, and others. If you're using Android, SkEye's a great software. And Google Sky Map is good as well.

Hope this helps.

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:12 am
by kaomoo
[smilie=cheer.gif] [smilie=cheer.gif] [smilie=cheer.gif]

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:53 am
by Gary
Hi Appleboy. Welcome to Singastro! Read the following. You may find them useful

- ... /Main_Page

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:03 am
by Appleboy
Hey there!


1. There isn't any specific budget set for me, but preferrably below < SGD$800. However I do believe that it is pointless to get a very expensive telescope for beginner haha!

2. There is a great observation site near my house. I also have car that I can use, so in the future I plan to go LCK there to view the night sky since it is a great place.

3. What I really hope to see is deep space objects rather than planets (planets are snacks!). But I believe it is hard for first timer to locate those nebula that I want.


Thanks for the jiayou! =D


Thanks for the links! I read them before but I also wanna ask over here too haha.

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:48 pm
by shirox
Hi there!

Welcome to Singastro lol

Basically there are a few dealers selling telecopes in Singapore at different prices.
For some of us, we go thru the hassle of shipping from the manufacturer or buy from one stop Astronomy website like

Places like

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:55 pm
by kaomoo
like what shirox said. I got my gears from as well.

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:46 pm
by Appleboy
Wow, the prices at Optcorp seems cheap! How long does the delivery normally takes?

Additionally, I don't know what telescope to get leh. :|

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:03 am
by orly_andico

find a used EQ-5 class mount for $400 (locally) and find a 127mm Mak (also used) for $350 locally.

these occasionally come up. Heck I sold a Vixen Polaris for $300 some time back..

another option.. kochu was selling an LXD75 mount + SN-8 scope for $600 some time back. He may still have it! IMHO that is a great deal ($600 for a computerized mount and 8" scope) and I was thinking of grabbing it before except I already have too much stuff.

the motors on his mount were a bit flaky due to intermittent encoder wheels but you can buy new encoder wheels for under $100 (or just live with the intermittent operation till you have more cash).

You would also need a new hand controller since the one on kochu's LXD75 was flaky. Another $100 to $150 for that.

I don't think you can find a better deal than that, although it is used and some repair is required.

Re: Beginner Question!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:55 am
by Gary
Appleboy wrote: 3. What I really hope to see is deep space objects rather than planets (planets are snacks!).
Appleboy wrote:Additionally, I don't know what telescope to get leh. :|
Hi Appleboy. If you already came to the conclusion you prefer DSOs over planets, then the decision should be relatively easy - the scope that performs better for DSOs than planetary that is within your budget. Then, read the article in the second link about best beginners scope under $1000. Look at the those scopes and compare their pricing (e.g. on optcorp, astronomics) and their comparative performance on DSOs by reading the online reviews and discussion forums here and in Cloudynights, Astromart, Iceinspace, ....etc.

If you don't mind me asking, what planets and DSOs have you looked at so far and through how many different types of telescope? The reason I am asking is that if your conclusion in (3) is only base on astrophotos and videos, then there might be a chance that after buying your telescope, you end up discovering you actually prefer looking the other objects more which your purchased telescope is not so good in providing such views.

This is one of the main reasons why it is extremely beneficial for newcomers to attend star parties and look through as many scopes as possible before making your first telescope purchase.

But having said that, it is not end of the world if you end up buying the "wrong" telescope. No telescope is totally horrendous in looking at certain objects and absolutely perfect at others. So if you are too excited to observe the sky and can't wait to attend star parties before making a decision, then it is still okay as long as you have done your basic homework.

I second the scopes what Orly suggested base on your budget. Personally, I would recommend non-technical and non-astrophotograpy inclined yet newcomers getting a really good AZ mount first. Even when they progress to EQ mounts in the future, the AZ can still be a keeper for grab-n-go observations locally or overseas.