Harris bookstore Great Farewell Sale

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Re: Harris bookstore Great Farewell Sale

Post by superiorstream »

We are able to reach our present state of civilization because of the invention of books, paper,and invention of writing so that KNOWLEDGE can be passed on and FREELY transfer to the next generation.
If this fundamental cornerstone of progress is stop by means of some law/rule so that only a small
group will get supernormal profit,progress of the whole humankind will definitely stop.No doubt about that.Obssession with branded product is stupid and only serve as a mean of showing off;it should be replace by criteria like value for money to create a better world and lets start with a policy to make books more affordible--academic books.
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Re: Harris bookstore Great Farewell Sale

Post by MooEy »

what's so great about us laughing at people buying branded stuff? which one of us did not sign up for ap notification list?
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Re: Harris bookstore Great Farewell Sale

Post by orly_andico »

MooEy wrote:what's so great about us laughing at people buying branded stuff? which one of us did not sign up for ap notification list?

You have a point, but I would argue that AP stuff is more than worth what you pay for. Just compare the price of a TOA130 to an AP130GT. So AP stuff is branded, but it's not a luxury - you pay your money, and you get your money's worth.

Granted LV or Prada or Gucci stuff are really well-made, but are they worth the huge price premium? I don't know.. or if you look at a Swiss watch, a Japan Casio keeps better time at 1/100 the cost.

Whereas nobody would claim a CG-5 or LXD-55 would have better periodic error than a Mach1..
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