STARMATRIX: Newly appointed consultant!New products to come!

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STARMATRIX: Newly appointed consultant!New products to come!

Post by rcj »

Hi all,
Let's welcome a new consultant in STARMATRIX for serving the astronomy community here in Singapore in terms of astronomical equipment acquisition needs. He is Joakim Michael Mathews, of which he is a veteran in the astronomical scene here in Singapore, having established himself amongst the community as someone well versed in observing, and also astronomy imaging.
Having personally owned various equipment ranging from SCTs, apochromatic refractors, mounts, cameras, an assortment of accessories, Mr Mathews will certainly is well position to cater to equipment enquiries. He will be overseaing all future equipment endeavours from our local community, so please give him your highly valued support and trust.

Do look forward to equipment from the manufacturers and support our valued dealership:

Notes: Look out for more information on our exciting Japanese wide-angled (84 degrees and considerable eye relief, fully multi-coated) eyepieces in 2-inch and 1.25" format (fully made in Japan). We have also developed a special 7X50 finder with quick release heavy-duty finder bracket (plus illuminator!), and can be fited to various instruments (including popular Chinese refractors). There will also be a limited time offer for the purchase of Celestron's new line of eyepieces - XCel series at irresistable prices! And many more to come...!

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Post by ariefm71 »

Does this mean the StarMatrix website will up again soon? :D
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Post by Airconvent »

first a newcomer to the field and now StarMatrix has returned..!
the supplier chain is getting interesting again...heh heh
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