Restarting my astronomy journey

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Restarting my astronomy journey

Post by orion »

I've been absent from my very first passion for the past 12 years.

Time flies. I was busy pursuing my career, at that time I just took on a new job role in a large conglomerate.

Fast forward 12 years, I have finally found the time to restart for my very first hobby which got me started on this journey like 41 years ago [ yeah, I'm THAT old ]

A lot has changed since, so many new technologies and apps to learn up - astronomers today are spoilt for choice when it comes to tools and tricks.

Back in the day, all was done manually, frustratingly slow and pains taking.

Anyhow, I am restoring my good 'ol 37 year old Meade Starfinder 826C 8n f/6 Newtonian, which has been in cold storage. The mirrors are in surprisingly good condition. I mated it with an LXD-75 GE mount back in 2005, with a #497 Autostar controller.

Unfortunately the LCD screen of the handbox is dead but the rest of the electronics are still working perfectly. I have managed to connect to my laptop computer and got it working again.

My journey is about to start again !

Helm, lay in a course for Alpha Orinis, warp factor 8, engage!

P.S. Looking for some astro buddies based in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia - would be great to have a chat over coffee. Please PM/DM me for details.
meade826C.jpg (95.27 KiB) Viewed 25401 times
Garden variety geek, Numismatist, CIO, Trekkie

Meade Starfinder 826C - 8 inch f/6 Newtonian reflector [1985 ed.] with LXD-75 GE mount and Autostar #497 controller.
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Re: Restarting my astronomy journey

Post by byang »

Hello there and welcome back to the hobby! I supposed now you are a happy retiree with plenty of time to explore the night sky again? How's sky condition of KL? Wonder if it is as light polluted as ours in SG...
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Re: Restarting my astronomy journey

Post by orion »

Haha! Can't afford to retire just yet.

KL city center can be quite bad but I live about 37km away, so I suppose it is better out here. Just moved to this new area and still scouting around for an ideal location in this neighborhood.

This month is bad - raining every day, no chance to field test my updated set up.
Garden variety geek, Numismatist, CIO, Trekkie

Meade Starfinder 826C - 8 inch f/6 Newtonian reflector [1985 ed.] with LXD-75 GE mount and Autostar #497 controller.
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