Band of Activities on Sun

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Post by kingkong »

solar flares affecting radio communication is a far better understood phenomenon than solar activities affecting global climate. similarly for predictions of disastrous consequences to orbiting satellites in the event of major earth-heading CME, etc.
however any claim of solar activities resulting in specific local weather is pure voodoo which is not even worthy of a scientific examination. your previous post demonstrates rather elementary understanding of science. please feel free to tell me i'm wrong if you have a degree in science. please kindly name the university too.
your science may be worthy for discussion in singastro-coffee corner but imnsho, what you are talking about is best suited in the category of pseudoscience ( and might even have less credibility as the "increased solar activities causes more earth quakes" people.
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Post by superiorstream »

well,lets see rather which U or which of your professors back your idea of'solar activities affecting global climate" or"solar activities resulting in specific local weather is pure voodoo which is not even worthy of a scientific examination' .DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE HAD BEEN STUDIED OF TREE RINGS AND A CORRELATION HAD BEEN FOUND BETWEEN SOLAR ACTIVITIES AND THE WIDTH OR SUCH RINGS?REad your journal pls.OF course such trees are found in cold countries ,not in Malaysia.
Secondly, correlation is worldwide,not even pertaining to specific places or regions,but rather orientation between that place and the solar active regions.;easily understood if we understand that the sun is sending many unknown particles out daily.
Thirdly,if now your professor already know...;why is the american wasting money to send out SDO to study the sun.Your prof already know all.
Fourthly,lets look at some figures--if an active band(brighter) get formed on the sun--by black body radiation principle/maxwell distribution curve;we know that its hotter than the rest of the sun--say continuous band form between 30 to 45 degree;that mean 15/180 facing us is radiation more energy.Do you know that a 3-4 % increase will mean disaster for us?Finally it must be noted that this is a forum;not an army camp ;so please dont pull rank by way of professor/qualification.It stink.
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Post by superiorstream »

And about""increased solar activities causes more earth quakes" even through unestablished,cannot be ruled out totally--maybe as a partial cause.Again space exploration found ONE of Jupiter's moon overly active and it may be partially fuelled by the sun or particles from the sun.(enhauncing nuclear reaction at its core?)(note orientation of that moon in Jupiter magnetic field)However it may take the next hundred years or more to find the 'truth' due to those 'fund cutting measure.'
The spirit of SCIENCE is to consider All possibilities,not take professor word as absolute truth,or to discredit other opinion as unqualified.Are you an engineer or really in the theory orientated science like physics.You know the perspective is complete different;esp. in asia's education style.
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Post by acc »

Ok, the posts are getting personal and nasty and this have to stop.

Chia, while there are evidence that solar activity do affect global climate, to also say that it caues earthquakes and local weather effects like floods based on current evidence is too much of a stretch.

There are many online resources by reputable agencies that one can access to get the facts. One example is here: ... &faqID=343

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