Opinion on the Vixen Sphinx SXW

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Opinion on the Vixen Sphinx SXW

Post by aleetk »

Hi! Just a check. Anyone here owns or have used a vixen sphinx sxw mount before? My intention is to use it mainly for imaging.

How do you find it in terms of:
1. Portability
2. Cost (Is the mount worth the money?)
3. Ease of setup and use
4. Tracking (Is it smooth, stable? Is it good for long exposure imaging?
5. Do you need to use the half pier from preventing the counterweight from hitting the tripod leg? If so, what is the overall stability when mounted on the half pier and at the same time fully loaded with OTA, guide scope and other necessary accessories that you used?
6. What is the maximum payload it can carry? Is it 16kg as stated in the vixen website?
7. What do you think of the Starbook controller?
8. Any other info that you can provide.
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